Programs Schema

WHY, WHAT, & HOW with Interdepartmental Collaboration

Why (Overall Goals):

  • Deliver successful and engaging tech programs (bootcamps, meetups, hackathons)

  • Foster a vibrant tech community within the hub

  • Attract and retain talent (participants, mentors, sponsors)

  • Generate positive publicity and brand awareness and sponsorship for the lab

What (Key Activities):

  1. Program Planning:

  • Programs Department: Defines program concept, objectives, target audience, and timeline.

  • Public Relations (PR): Develops communication strategy, creates initial marketing materials.

  • Product team: Sets up registration platform, prepares online resources.

  • Facility Department: Assesses venue availability, identifies equipment needs.

  1. Program Launch & Promotion:

  • PR: Executes marketing campaigns through social media, press releases, website updates.

  • Programs Department: Manages participant inquiries, handles applications/registrations.

  • Product team: Supports online registration, provides technical assistance.

  1. Program Execution:

  • Programs Department: Leads program delivery, facilitates sessions, mentors participants.

  • Product team: Provides on-site technical support, mentors participants.

  • Facility Department: Maintains venue, addresses logistical issues, ensures safety.

  • PR: Captures program highlights, shares participant stories, engages online community.

  1. Post-Program Wrap-up & Evaluation:

  • Programs Department: Collects feedback, analyzes program outcomes.

  • PR: Creates final press releases, shares testimonials, updates program website.

  • Product team: Compiles participant data, analyzes online engagement.

  • Facility Department: Provides venue feedback, reports on equipment usage/maintenance.

How (Collaboration Points):

  • Regular meetings: Weekly/bi-weekly interdepartmental meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and plan ahead.

  • Shared communication platform: Use of slack channel for real-time updates, task management, and document sharing via google drive.

  • Cross-departmental teams: Formation of temporary teams for specific program needs (e.g., hackathon logistics, meetups).

  • Standardized processes: Clear and documented procedures for tasks like venue booking, participant onboarding, and online feedback collection.

Tabular Representation of Programs Schema

Why (Goal)

What (Activity)

Programs Department

Public Relations (PR)

Product team

Facility Department

Deliver successful programs

1. Program Planning

- Defines concept, objectives, audience, timeline

- Develops communication strategy, initial marketing materials

- Sets up registration platform, online resources

- Assesses venue availability, equipment needs

Attract & retain talent

2. Program Launch & Promotion

- Manages inquiries, applications/registrations

- Executes marketing campaign (social media, press releases, website)

- Supports online registration, technical assistance

- N/A

Foster vibrant tech community

3. Program Execution

- Leads program delivery, facilitates sessions, mentors participants

- Captures program highlights, shares participant stories, engages online community

- Provides on-site technical support, mentors participants

- Maintains venue, addresses logistical issues, ensures safety

Generate positive publicity

4. Post-Program Wrap-up & Evaluation

- Collects feedback, analyzes program outcomes

- Creates final press releases, shares testimonials, updates website

- Compiles participant data, analyzes online engagement

- Provides venue feedback, reports on equipment usage/maintenance

How (Collaboration Points)

- Regular interdepartmental meetings

- Attend and actively participate

- Attend and actively participate

- Attend and actively participate

- Attend and actively participate

- Shared communication platform

- Utilize and update regularly

- Utilize and update regularly

- Utilize and update regularly

- Utilize and update regularly

- Cross-departmental teams

- Participate as needed

- Participate as needed

- Participate as needed

- Participate as needed

- Dedicated point-of-contacts

- Identify and communicate with

- Identify and communicate with

- Identify and communicate with

- Identify and communicate with

- Standardized processes

- Follow and contribute to refining

- Follow and contribute to refining

- Follow and contribute to refining

- Follow and contribute to refining

Last updated