

Prepared By: Josephine Abel

Project Name: Connector

Date Prepared: 25-07-24

1. Project Overview

Project Title: Compatibility Test

Project Duration: 14 days

Project Team:

  • Josephine Abel,

  • Jedidiah Oton,

  • Emmanuel Wogundu,

  • David Aroh

OBJECTIVES: This is a mobile app or tool designed to provide people with a thorough understanding of their compatibility across various aspects of their relationship.

SCOPE It uses a detailed questionnaire to gather information about their communication styles, values, financial habits, life goals, and conflict resolution strategies. Based on the responses, the tool generates a compatibility score and offers personalized feedback to help people identify strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Project Plan

  • Timeline: 14 days

  • Milestones: Brainstorms sessions, content description, design and presentation.

  • Resource Allocation:

  • Risk Management: Nil

3. Requirements

  • Functional Requirements: User-friendly interface

  • Detailed questionnaire covering key aspects of relationships

  • Compatibility analysis algorithms

  • Personalized feedback and recommendations

4. Design Documentation

Sprint 1: Week 1

Day 1: Requirements and Initial Setup


  • Finalize detailed requirements and user stories.

  • Set up version control (GitHub).

Day 2-4: Design and Prototyping


  • Create wireframes and mockups using Figma.

  • Review and finalize the UI/UX design.

Day 5: Frontend Setup


  • Set up the frontend environment with jsx.

  • Develop the basic layout and navigation.

Day 6-7: Questionnaire and Scoring Algorithm


  • Implement the questionnaire interface.

Sprint 2: Week 2

Day 8-9: User Profiles and Dashboard


  • Develop user profile management for ability to share with partner.

  • Implement the dashboard to display compatibility results.

Day 10: Integration and Testing


  • Integrate frontend.

  • Perform unit testing on core functionalities.

Day 11-13: Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Address bugs and incorporate feedback from UAT.

  • Optimize performance and refine UI/UX.

Day 14: Deployment


  • Prepare and deploy the app to a staging environment.

  • Perform final checks and deploy to production.

Technical Specifications


Compatibility Scoring Algorithm:

  • Input: User responses to the questionnaire

  • Process: Compare responses against predefined criteria

  • Output: Compatibility score and detailed analysis


  • Language: JavaScript

  • Styling: Vanilla CSS

6. Project Outcomes

Final Deliverables: Compatibility Test App

  • Frontend web application.

  • User registration.

  • Questionnaire interface.

  • Compatibility scoring algorithm.

  • Displaying compatibility results.

Performance Metrics:

  • User Registration Time.

  • Waiting for partner time.

  • Question completion rate

  • Response Time

  • Score check

  • Client Feedback:

7. Lessons Learned

Challenges Faced:

  • Integration issues: No API provided

  • Adding JIX to the code

  • Setting timer to the splash screen

Solutions Implemented:

  • Generated JIX from the figma link.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Requirements: Ensure requirements are well-defined and understood.

  • Iterative Development: Develop and test in small, manageable increments.

  • Code Reviews: Regular code reviews to maintain code quality and catch issues early.

  • User Testing: Involve real users early to gather feedback and improve usability.

  • Documentation: Maintain comprehensive and clear documentation for both developers and users.

8. Appendices

  • Additional Documentation:

Last updated