Automated Vehicle Prototype with Preprogrammed Path


For Automated Vehicle Prototype with Preprogrammed Path Following

Prepared By: Shammah Nei

Project Name: Automated Vehicle Prototype

Date Prepared: 13/08/2024

1. Project Overview

Project Title: Automated Vehicle Prototype

Project Duration: Four weeks

Project Team:

Project Manager - Shammah Nei

Hardware Specialist - Emmanuel Enebili (Innovator)


  • To design and build a basic automated vehicle prototype that can follow preprogrammed paths.

  • To demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost automated vehicles using readily available components.

  • To create a foundation for further development in autonomous vehicle technology


  • Development of an automated vehicle capable of following predefined paths.

  • Integration of basic obstacle detection using ultrasonic sensors.

  • Implementation of a simple control system using Arduino.

  • Basic testing in a controlled environment.

2. Project Plan

  • Timeline: 3 weeks


  • Week 1: Component acquisition.

  • Week 2: Completion of vehicle chassis assembly and basic electronics. Completion of motor control and basic path programming.

  • Week 3: Integration of obstacle detection.

  • Week 4: Final testing, documentation, and project presentation

Resource Allocation:

  • Hardware Components: Sourcing and assembly - Emmanuel Enebili

  • Software Development: Coding and testing - Emmanuel Enebili

Risk Management:

  • Component Failure: Maintain a stock of spare components.

  • Power Issues: Use stable power supplies and check battery health regularly.

  • Programming Errors: Implement version control and thorough testing.

Estimated Costs:

  • L298N Dual H Bridge DC Stepper Motor Driver: $3 - $5 (4,800 NGN - 8,000 NGN)

  • Arduino Uno: $10 - $25 (16,000 NGN - 40,000 NGN)

  • 4 Wheel Drive Robotic Car Chassis: $10 - $20 (16,000 NGN - 32,000 NGN)

  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor: $2 - $4 (3,200 NGN - 6,400 NGN)

  • SG90 Servo Motor: $2 - $5 (3,200 NGN - 8,000 NGN)

  • Jumper Wire Set (Male to Female): $3 - $5 (4,800 NGN - 8,000 NGN)

  • Soldering Iron: $10 - $20 (16,000 NGN - 32,000 NGN)

  • Soldering Lead: $2 - $5 (3,200 NGN - 8,000 NGN)

  • Lipo Battery (4): $20 - $50 (32,000 NGN - 80,000 NGN)

  • 20W Hot Melt Glue Gun: $5 - $10 (8,000 NGN - 16,000 NGN)

  • Glue Candle Stick (2): $1 - $3 (1,600 NGN - 4,800 NGN)

  • SFM-27 Electronic Buzzer (1): $1 - $2 (1,600 NGN - 3,200 NGN)

Total Estimated Cost: 110,400 NGN - 246,400 NGN

3. Requirements

Functional Requirements:

  • The vehicle must follow a preprogrammed path accurately.

  • The vehicle should avoid obstacles detected by the ultrasonic sensor.

  • The system should allow for easy reprogramming of the path.

  • Power management should be efficient to maximize operational time.

4. Design Documentation

System Architecture:

  • Control Unit: Arduino Uno

  • Motor Driver: L298N Dual H Bridge for controlling the motors

  • Sensors: HC-SR04 for obstacle detection

  • Power Supply: Lipo batteries

  • Actuators: DC motors and SG90 Servo Motor for directional control

UI/UX Designs:

  • Basic user interface (if applicable) for entering and adjusting the vehicle's path.

  • LCD or LED indicators to show the vehicle's status (optional).

API Documentation:

  • Not applicable for this basic prototype, unless integrating with external systems.

5. Development Process

Development Methodology:

  • Agile Development Methodology with weekly sprints for iterative progress.

Sprint Planning:

  • Sprint 1 (Week 1): Component assembly and initial system setup.

  • Sprint 2 (Week 2): Basic motor control and path programming.

  • Sprint 3 (Week 3): Sensor integration and obstacle detection.

  • Sprint 4 (Week 4): Final testing and adjustments.

Code Repository:

  • Hosted on GitHub (ril/hermes)

  • Repository includes code for motor control, path programming, and sensor handling.

Technical Specifications:

  • Microcontroller: Arduino Uno with ATmega328P

  • Motors: 4 DC motors with L298N driver

  • Sensors: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

  • Power: 4 x Lipo batteries, 7.4V 1000mAh

  • Control Software: C++ (Arduino IDE)

  • Chassis: 4-wheel drive with custom mounts for sensors and controllers

6. Project Outcomes

Final Deliverables:

  • A fully functional automated vehicle prototype.

  • Source code and technical documentation.

  • Test reports and performance data.

Performance Metrics:

  • Accuracy in following preprogrammed paths (within 5 cm deviation).

  • Obstacle detection and avoidance rate (95% success rate).

  • Battery life during continuous operation (1 hour minimum).

  • Client Feedback: TBD

7. Lessons Learned

  • Challenges Faced: TBD

  • Solutions Implemented: TBD

  • Best Practices: TBD

8. Real-Life Use Cases

Warehouse Automation:

  • Use Case: Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for transporting goods along predefined paths.

  • Benefits: Increases efficiency, reduces human labor, and minimizes errors.

Smart Agriculture:

  • Use Case: Autonomous farming vehicles for tasks like planting, watering, or harvesting.

  • Benefits: Enhances precision, reduces manual labor, and increases productivity.

Factory Floor Material Handling:

  • Use Case: Automated vehicles for moving raw materials or finished products between production stages.

  • Benefits: Streamlines production, reduces manual handling, and minimizes accidents.

Automated Delivery Systems:

  • Use Case: Small autonomous vehicles for delivering goods within campuses or urban environments.

  • Benefits: Reduces the need for human delivery personnel, offers contactless delivery, and can operate 24/7.

Healthcare and Hospital Logistics:

  • Use Case: Autonomous vehicles for transporting medical supplies, meals, or medications.

  • Benefits: Frees up healthcare staff, reduces contamination risk, and ensures timely delivery.

Search and Rescue Operations:

  • Use Case: Autonomous vehicles for search and rescue missions in disaster areas.

  • Benefits: Operates in hazardous environments, covers large areas efficiently, and provides real-time data.

Autonomous Surveillance and Patrolling:

  • Use Case: Vehicles for patrolling areas like military bases or industrial sites.

  • Benefits: Enhances security through constant monitoring, reduces the need for human guards.

Educational Tools:

  • Use Case: Use in schools and universities as an educational tool for robotics and automation.

  • Benefits: Provides hands-on learning, fosters innovation, and helps understand complex concepts.

Construction and Mining Operations:

  • Use Case: Vehicles for transporting materials or performing repetitive tasks.

  • Benefits: Enhances safety, increases efficiency, and allows precise control of machinery.

Autonomous Cleaning Robots:

  • Use Case: Vehicles for cleaning large facilities like airports or shopping malls.

  • Benefits: Ensures consistent cleaning, reduces labor costs, and can operate unsupervised.

Indoor Navigation Systems:

  • Use Case: Vehicles for guiding visitors in large buildings like airports or hospitals.

  • Benefits: Enhances visitor experience and reduces the need for staff.

Automated Event Management:

  • Use Case: Vehicles for distributing materials, transporting equipment, or providing mobile kiosks.

9. Appendices

  • Additional Documentation:

Last updated