Working With Trello

Below are Steps and Rules that guide operations on RIL Trello Workspace.


The Board Contains 3 and 6 Basic Board Columns for Management and Engineering Teams Respectively. For Management Staff, the Board Columns Includes; To Do, Doing and Done. For Engineering Team, the Columns Includes; Backlog, To Do, Doing, Code Review, Testing


  • Possible things that can be added or done, features that can be implemented.

  • This is the staging area where specs should get fleshed out.

  • No limit on the list size, but should be reconsidered if it gets long.


  • A list of Tasks and Activities to be Carried within a Week.

  • Tasks Should be Added Every Monday to the Cards on this Column

  • Each Card should have a description explaining the task and expected outcome

  • One or More Persons can be assigned to a card to ensure efficient delivery


  • Ongoing Tasks should be moved to the Doing Column.

  • Each User is not allowed to have more than 2 Cards in Progress.

  • All Users should have at least one item in this state.

  • Any Ongoing Task should be deleted from the To Do column

  • There should be a Timeline attached to each Card in this column

  • Task Here can be broken into bits especially where a checklist is applicable.

  • Documents, Designs, Links, Videos can be attached here for reference purpose.


  • This list is for items in code review.

  • When a task has gotten approval, it moves off to Testing.

  • If there are too many cards here, we should break off from other tasks to get code review done.


  • Cards come here after being code reviewed, and we're in a place for QA and fixing things QA finds.

  • Design review also happens at this stage


  • Completed Task.

  • Only Team Lead for Product Team is expected to Push a Task to the Done Column.

Links to the completed Task should be attached to the Done Column.


  • Any Urgent Task added should be recorded and the date of addition should be noted.

  • Blockers should be reported before EOD in a checklist Format.

  • Cards should be updated by EOD.

  • All communications should be done on Slack with Link to the card attached for reference.

  • Any Task Carried over to the Next week, should be reported to the Team Lead and such task Must be completed on the Tuesday of the Next Week.

  • The Menu Bar contains an Activity Log stating time and Name of a User that makes a change, and the time the changes was made. Everything is Monitored

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