JDGEN Widget


Prepared By: Chioma Otu

Project Name: JDGEN Widget

Date Prepared: 02/08/2024

1. Project Overview

Project Title: JDGEN WIDGET (Job description generation)

Project Duration: 1 week

Project Team:

  • Chioma Otu - Frontend Developer


  • The primary objective of JDGEN is to assist job recruiters and companies in generating accurate and tailored job descriptions for various roles they are hiring for. The widget aims to eliminate the common practice of copying and pasting job descriptions that may not fit specific roles, ensuring that the requirements and responsibilities listed are appropriate for the position being advertised.


  • Develop an embeddable widget powered by Open AI for generating job descriptions.

  • Ensure the widget provides accurate, role-specific descriptions based on user input.

  • Create a user-friendly interface for recruiters and companies to interact with the widget.

  • Test and deploy the widget within the specified timeframe.

2. Project Plan


  • Week 1: Project kickoff, development, testing, and deployment.


  • Day 1: Project initiation and requirement gathering.

  • Day 2: Development and documentation of the core functionality.

  • Day 3: UI/UX design and integration.

  • Day 4 - 6: Functionality (JDGEN functionalities and making the widget embeddable)

  • Day 7: Testing and deployment

  • Resource Allocation: Chioma Otu will handle frontend development, UI/UX design, and integration.

Risk Management:

  • Identify potential technical challenges early and address them promptly.

  • Perform rigorous testing to minimize bugs and ensure stability.

3. Requirements

Functional Requirements:

  • The widget must generate job descriptions based on user input.

  • The descriptions should be customizable and accurate for the specified role.

  • Users should be able to specify the level of experience required for the role.

  • The widget should have a user-friendly interface.

  • Integration of widget.

4. Design Documentation

System Architecture:

  • Frontend: React.js for the widget interface.

  • API: Integration with OpenAI API for job description generation.

  • Deployment: Hosting on Vercel..

UI/UX Designs:

  • Simple and intuitive interface for easy user interaction.

  • Clear call-to-action buttons for generating and copying descriptions

API Documentation:

5. Development Process

  • Development Methodology:

  • Sprint Planning:

  • Code Repository:

  • Technical Specifications:

6. Project Outcomes

  • Final Deliverables:

  • Performance Metrics:

  • Client Feedback:

7. Lessons Learned

  • Challenges Faced:

  • Solutions Implemented:

  • Best Practices:

8. Appendices

  • Additional Documentation:

Last updated