Post Notes


Prepared By: Idogun Favour

Project Name: Post Notes

Date Prepared: 25th July 2024

1. Project Overview

Project Title: Post Notes

Project Duration: Start date: 5th June 2024

End date: 28th June 2024

Project Team:

  • Shammah Nei,

  • Idogun Favour


  • To create a solution that helps people share messages that are understood to foster healthy relationships.

Scope: A web app where

  • Users can register and confirm email,

  • Send and receive pairing requests.

  • Send notes to the pairings,

  • Receive notes,

  • Get an ai generated analysis of the sentiments behind the note and next actions for both recipient and sender.

2. Project Plan


  • Week 1: Talking about the project and sharing responsibilities.

  • Week 2: Sharing responsibilities and working

  • Week 3: Creating the web app framework and sentiment analysis

  • Week 4: Presentation of product

Milestones: Week one to two were set aside for knowing the responsibilities and how to go about them as well as working on them. Week three to four were set aside for finishing the frontend and backend as well as preparing for the demo presentation.

Resource Allocation:

  • Time spent: A duration of one month

  • Personnel: Shammah Nei and Idogun Favour

  • Tools: Supabase, React, Python

Risk Management:

3. Requirements

Functional Requirements: Users should be able to:

  • Users can register and confirm email,

  • Send and receive pairing requests.

  • Send notes to the pairings,

  • Receive notes,

  • Get an ai generated analysis of the sentiments behind the note and next actions for both recipient and sender.

4. Design Documentation

System Architecture: To enable a working web application there was need to:

  • Create the frontend and backend using tools like react, supabase and python.

  • Write codes to build the frontend and backend of this application.

  • Ensure that accounts can be created.

  • Create a database for every new account.

  • Ensure pairing can be done between two or more available accounts on the app.

  • Carrying out sentiment analysis on the posts made.

  • Get ai generated suggestions on the post made, for the sender and receiver.

UI/UX Designs: None available

API Documentation:

5. Development Process

  • Development Methodology: DevOps Development Methodology

  • Sprint Planning:

  • Code Repository:

  • Technical Specifications:

6. Project Outcomes

Final Deliverables: So during internal use, we were able:

  • Get the web app running by sending posts to ensure the app is viable.

Performance Metrics: This was measured based off of:

  • Personal reviews

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Customer reviews

  • Client Feedback: The clients were able to attest to its viability as a working web application

7. Lessons Learned

Challenges Faced: These included:

  • Non encodement of the code for sentiment analysis

  • Lack of communication

Solutions Implemented: These included:

  • Encoding of the code

  • Ensuring proper communication in the course of the project.

  • Best Practices: Implementation of the solutions

8. Appendices

  • Additional Documentation:

Last updated